Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is power

Power is something that many people try to gain. It can be used for good things and for good things. It can be a horrible thing when given to the wrong people. I think that there are really two types of power. There is the power to do something. And there is power over people. Most people have the power to do something. You always have the power to do many things but you don’t always choose to do these things. There are many examples of this. This being in Animal Farm Boxer the horse had the power to take over the farm. He might have had the power but he did not have the intelligence or the will to do so. In life as it is today everyone has the power to do what they want. That is why we have human rights. But just because you have the power to do something does not mean it will always come out successful. So for example you might have the power to create a business but just because you have that power does not mean it will be successful. That is why since the creation of human rights most people have the power to do what they want be it within the law. The only people who do not have this power are people who have had their human rights taken away. So most people in today’s society have the power to do what they want. This is completely different for people who have power over other people. This is something many people would like to have but do not. Power over other people is much more important as less people have this type of power. The obvious people who have power over other people are rulers. This is people who are ‘in power’ as the term goes such as; the president, king, queen or prime minister. They have power over people and they make decisions for these people. They control many parts of their country because of the orders and the decisions that they can make. Then there are people with power over a smaller group of people. These are people who run some business and have people working for them. They have power over whoever works for them. They can make them do what they want within a boundary because they work for them. They have power because they are paying them and because they are paying they do what they are asked. Then another part of power is the power a parent has over a child. The parent can make the child do what they want. This power is not complete control over the child but when the parent wants something they can get it. This is because power is with the parent. They can control and manipulate because the power is with them. So these are the two types of power that I see; the power to do something and the power over people. One is the ability to do what you want to do type of power. And the other is a basic control over some aspects of people.

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