Sunday, November 16, 2008

History and culture in southern Africa

The history and culture in Southern Africa are an interesting blend of European and African. In Africa there are hundreds of different ethnic groups but only a couple of really big groups. Two main groups are the Zulu tribe and the Tswana tribe. Many of the ethnic groups in Africa were effected by the Europeans. One of the major things that happened was that the Europeans brought Christianity to Africa. One of the most intersting parts of Africa was the growth of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe was a small trading and herding country. Then they began mining gold and farming became bigger. Then eventually Zimababwe became a massive trading centre from Southern Africa. Then 300 years later the trading of its gold went down. And finally it was no longer a important trading centre. When the Europeans came to Africa they started conquering any part of Africa that they wanted. At the same time the Zulu became a powerful fighting force in the area. They took over the surrounding area and came into a fight with the British. After lots of battles the British defeated the Zulu and stole their land. In the early 1900s South Africa's government became racist. When they were racist they seperated everyone into four main groups, whites, blacks, coloureds, and Asians. If you were not in the white group then you had certain restrictions on you. These are some points on the amazing history and culture of Southern Africa.

1 comment:

Scott said...

not to bad yourself.